Thursday 1 June 2017


Jonathan ran govt of greedocracy, Buhari running govt of criminals --Melaye
An All Progressives Congress (APC) Senator from Kogi State, Dino Melaye, on Wednesday described the Federal Government controlled by party, and led by
President Muhammadu Buhari as a government of “criminals, by the
criminals and for the criminals.”
He said the preceding government led by former President Goodluck Jonathan, was a government of the greedy, by the greedy and for the greedy.
“Democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people but what we had in the time of Jonathan was greedocracy, which is the government of the greedy, by the greedy and for the greedy.
“Today, we have criminocracy-a government of the criminals, by the criminals and for the criminals,” he said.
Melaye stated this while giving his remarks at the 2017 Nigeria Democracy Day Lecture organized by the Save Democracy Group Africa (SDG-Africa) in Abuja.
The lecture was focused on the ills bedeviling the Nigerian state and
strategies for tackling them to entrench a culture of patriotism and nationalism.
Melaye, bemoaned President Buhari’s appointment of people into government, that fell short of the requisite experience required of the positions they occupy, and blamed some of the ills recorded in the first
two years of this administration on such development.
According to the senator, “wrong appointment was what led to emergence
of the (suspended) Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF
who became a grasscutter.
“When you appoint a man who has no experience in civil administration as SGF, he is bound to misbehave”, he said.
On how ro sustain the nation’s democracy, Melaye called on Nigerians to understand that a legitimate clash of interest always will come up between the legislature and the executive arm. He said the National
Assembly should be freed to carry on with its statutory duty without hindrance.
He said, “There is no where an auditor and the man who runs an organization are friends. There’s something wrong when the two are seen taking tea together.”
Supporting calls for restructuring he said, “We must discuss and agree to be Nigerians. We have not discussed and we have not agreed.”
He went further to say, “Generators should only be used at emergency centres like hospitals and mortuaries so that when there is no light in Karmo (a suburb of Abuja), there will be no light also at the villa.” This he said will make Nigerians trust their leaders and stop agitations.

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